My Experience with Codecademy

Anthony Tram
2 min readJul 2, 2021

For my class, EID 100: Digital Skills International Innovation, I recently had been assigned to play around with Codecademy. Codecademy is an e-learning platform for those aspiring to a career field in computer science, coding, or web development. Personally, I chose the HTML path since I had little experience in coding, and I regretted not taking a computer science class in high school. However, since COVID-19 restricted me from going outside, I decided to take a chance at an old passion and started diving into the world of coding.

When playing around on Codecademy, I found the interface to be very complex as I was not used to the layout, but I quickly adapted. I also didn’t like how you had to progress to the next steps and the limited amount of content. Luckily, Codecademy provides more materials for customers who purchased the pro version of Codecademy. In the future, I would possibly attempt to do the Python course, but I want to master how to use HTML without additional help. Here are some of the badges that I have completed so far.

